Lately, conversations with friends have taken a different and unexpected turn.
It seemed like not so long ago that we were talking about boyfriends, PhDs, babies, and the next big work plans. But now there is often talk of the next move being scaling back and even retirement (who knew?!).
But I’m just not in that space. At 50, I have so much I still want to establish, create, and pass on (not achieve). In fact, I feel clearer than ever before. This is the time to truly embrace the things which matter so deeply and to do so with a full heart and skillset.
As a woman, I feel like you step fully into your own light and power at this age and stage. Whilst we are all in a state of becoming, you know yourself in ways you just didn’t in your twenties, thirties or even forties. You bring decades of expertise and experience gained from the twists and turns of life. And your own voice rings out true and clear if you listen in.
Image Credit: Xanya69/Shutterstock.com