My work empowers young people, parents and educators, creating authentic understanding and change for today but also for tomorrow.
To find out more about how I can help you and your child, contact:
There can often be so much emphasis on getting an assessment and then diagnosis but little clarity about what to do next. This is often especially true for parents seeking support and accommodations for their child at school.
I was therefore very glad to collaborate with @hellomag on this piece advising parents how to optimise school support after their child has had an ADHD and/or Autism assessment.
Much of this advice would also be helpful after an educational psychology assessment.
#throwbackthursday#parentsofinstagram #neurodiversitymatters #school #autism #adhd #audhd #neverjustajob #restoringjoytolifeandlearning
Whilst I am an independent practitioner, much of my work is alongside other leading specialists such as Dr Thevan (Consultant Adolescent Psychiatrist). I feel very lucky to have met him many years ago. His kind, laid-back approach and wise, empathetic manner were clear from the get-go, and we regularly continue to share cases where a joined-up approach to mental health and education is needed.
#jtestimonialtuesday #joinedupworking #multidiscplinaryteam #teamwork #neurodiversitymatters
“Children don’t want to be fixed, they just want to be seen and heard”.
Like all of us.
This is such a wonderful and inspiring conversation with the oh so wise Philippa Perry @kevinkittycat (I am such a fan of her work) and @drchatterjee.
Although it is ostensibly about parenting, so much can also be learnt and applied to nurturing connection in any of our relationships:
#mondayinspiration #parentsofinstagram
Extra time, separate invigilation/small group room, word-processor/laptop, reading pen, subvocalisation, human or computer reader, supervised rest/movement breaks, prompter, ear defenders, modified papers, coloured overlays. human scribe or voice activated software.
These are some examples of access arrangements which candidates with special educational needs, disabilities and/or temporary injuries/conditions may require for tests and public examinations.
If your child is in any of these categories, do not wait until exam season is here to find out more.
See this excellent summary from SENDISS for more information. It is a must-read for all parents of youngsters who may need access arrangements and also all school leaders (not just the SENDCo!):
#accessarrangements #parentsofinstagram #ehcp #dyslexia #autism #adhd #dyspraxia #anxietyatschool #levelplayingfield #schoolleaders #reasonableadjustments #neurodiversitymatters
Asides from one consultation this morning, I am having a weekend off. In the past, I often ran a clinic on a Saturday or Sunday but nowadays I don’t usually work weekends anymore. However for the last couple, for various reasons, I have needed to so I have been really looking forward tosome down time today and tomorrow. I have been reading, catching up with faraway friends, playing Squardle (once you start, hard to stop 🙈), and baked my first sourdough loaf with a sourdough starter I have been feeding (!) all week. Apart from Woody, everyone else here is feeling weary and looking forward to half term - just one week to go. #weekendvibes #downtime
But as I said yesterday, mainly the wellbeing of other people.
This is often a familiar story for those of us who live and breathe caring and advocating for others, whether in our work and/or home lives, Often, along the way, our own needs fall by the wayside. Can anyone else relate?
For a long time, having my own young children, caring for my parents, working full-time and building a business on the side didn’t leave much/any time for me to stop and listen deep down to what I also needed.
But having experienced big life shifts recently - the huge losses of my wonderful parents, establishing my business (a true labour of love) and moving to work solely for myself (a big dream I had long had), and with my own precious children growing fast, I knew the time had come.
So, for the past year at least, I have lived as quietly as possible. Outside of work and my own family, I have mostly chosen solitude over socialising. I joke (kind of) that I have been rejuvenating in the dark!
I have bedded in various practices to my days which I will write more about. The first being meditation. And let me say right away, that I was not what I thought a natural meditator should be. My mind is forever fizzing with ideas and so sitting still with my own thoughts was not my idea of relaxing. However, I have stuck with it for over a year now, and I realise that I am much more able to settle into being with my own thoughts and feelings in a way that I just wasn’t before.
I particularly gravitate to this series of guided meditations for a feeling of calm and flow:
From ‘aligning with your purpose’ and ‘discovering your authentic self’, I would definitely recommend trying them (with a weighted eye mask too for an even more elevated experience).
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