ADHD: Communicating Your Child’s Strengths, Needs and Strategies


When your child is newly diagnosed with ADHD or indeed any other thinking or learning difference, you will want all staff to be made aware and to be understanding and supportive. 

This is important at all points in a child’s education but in the primary phase it is usually easier as there may just be one or two teachers working with the child. In senior school, however, with a larger number of staff, an email will likely be circulated to advise them. 

You will want to work with the school to have a tailored email sent out rather than just adding them to the SEND Register. Beneath is a sample letter which could be useful as a starting point for teachers conveying this information. Obviously, this will need to be tailored for the individual child.

Sample Letter for communicating a recent diagnosis to school staff:

Dear all,

I am writing to let you know that ….. in Year ….. was recently diagnosed as having: 

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD -hyperactive/inattentive/combined (delete as needed subtype).

Please be aware that …….. is (add strengths here for example, motivated to do well in your school or enjoys your subject) but may struggle with (insert here). We would therefore be very grateful if you could support her/him/them by: insert strategies here which could include

1.       Seating her near to the front and next to a kind supportive peer.

2.       Breaking instructions down into smaller steps.

3.       Checking in regularly to ensure that she understands what she is doing.

4.       Support the use of ear defenders when working on a task – she has a small pair in her pocket to block out peripheral sound and 

5.       Provide praise and positive feedback where possible.

6.       A discreet word to let her know you have read the email and reassure her that you will help her in anyway you can – and if she has ideas to let you know. Sometimes a simple ‘what helps and what doesn’t help?’ can be useful.

These have already been discussed with ……… and he/she/they is/are happy with them.

Please also be aware that he/she/they are trialling the following access arrangements for internal tests and exams: (insert for example, rest breaks, extra time, ear defenders, small/separate invigilation).

Please do not sanction them if he/she/they is/are appear to be struggling.  Please let me (the SENDCo) know and his/her/their tutor (insert name) and we will provide additional support.

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