Do you have a family motto?

When I think of mottos for my own family when I growing up, two spring to mind: ‘Remember, as far as anyone knows, we are a nice normal family!’ which was displayed on a sign in my parents’ kitchen. And the second, which was suggested latterly and also made me chuckle: ‘I was normal once. It was the worst two minutes of my life!’

I think there is a theme going on here!

Whilst there is, of course, no such thing as a ‘normal’ family, I do think it is fair to say that my own upbringing was quite unusual.

I grew up with foster siblings, a menagerie of animals including 28 rabbits, dogs with various behavioural issues, rescued hens who were scared of the outdoors and ducks who were terrified of water.

I had a father with the best (inadvertent) comic timing who left school at 15 and returned to study to became a probation officer and then a social worker. Even at nearly 80, he was still thinking how to help others in need. And I had a mother who was way ahead of her time, outspoken and passionate about inclusion, and a fervent advocate of equality. My Dad always recalls being wowed when they first met at fifteen, seeing her stand on a box at Speakers’ Corner in Hyde Park.

My sister and I learnt very early on that the challenges people experience are often invisible and the importance of standing up for what you believe in. In my younger years as a sensitive soul, I didn’t always find that space easy to be in but I knew it was right to use my voice for the good of others.

Despite the quirky underpinnings, care, compassion, and a will and courage to be part of the healing solution, has always been what matters.