How would you answer?

I would say to myself:

Carry on treasuring those friendships. These are your people. And they will continue to deeply matter to you throughout your life.

Don’t worry about the maths, you will eventually get a C and get much better at it as the years go on (there is something called dyscalculia which isn’t well known yet!). Also, you don’t know this now but you are going to have children who are maths whizzes (go figure!) and you will get an accountant who can do the tricky stuff so there is nothing to worry about.

You are also going to find out that you are a lot more capable than you or your teachers imagine. I think you may sense a little of this already deep down but one day you are going to fall in love with one subject so much that it will become your life’s mission and passion all rolled into one. This may seem unbelievable to you as you weren’t a fan of doing your GCSE coursework but one day you will even go to a place (you will also fall so in love with and haven’t even visited yet) and do the biggest piece of coursework ever – bigger than a Yellow Pages!

So, hold faith, carry on being kind, enjoy spending time with your friends and not stressing over homework, and don’t listen to the doubters.

Although there will be tough twists and turns along the way, good things are coming. And by the way (you will be pleased to hear this) you will also figure out a way to have the dog of your dreams as your work companion. Something lovely to hold onto.