Category Archives: Articles

Reflections on 2024

BY SUSANNA PINKUS ‘The quieter you become, the more you can hear’ is a phrase which underpinned much of my approach to 2024. Having lost my amazing parents a very short time just before, and after years of working at full speed, this was a year for reflection, shifting foundations, and rebalancing my heart and...

Learning happens everywhere

BY SUSANNA PINKUS I am often asked for ways to support young children’s learning and skills when they are struggling at school. But rather than add even more supports in before and after school, I prefer (where possible) to weave the more formal interventions into the school day. Home is therefore preserved as a sanctuary,...

Inspirational Sayings

BY SUSANNA PINKUS ‘Someone needs to do something, and that someone could be me’. ‘You are being presented with two options: evolve or repeat’. ‘It is very hard to compete with people who absolutely love what they do’. ‘The more you smile, the faster you will go’. ‘No outrageous results without outrageous attempts’ ‘Ultimately, stay...

Do you ever feel that you were born to do what you do now?

BY SUSANNA PINKUS I came across this photo recently (from circa 1977). Even as this little girl, I remember instinctively seeing and feeling children struggling at school and trying quietly to help. It is hard to explain really but I could just sense what was going on. And as I got a bit older, sometimes...

I know this looks like a dog!

BY SUSANNA PINKUS I know this looks like a dog. But to me, this is not just a dog ❤️. Rather, I think of Woody as my four-legged wingman in life. He is the best friend and shadow that I never knew I needed. As well as being by my side during times of great happiness,...

What was your PhD about?

BY SUSANNA PINKUS This morning, one of my sons wandered into the kitchen. He said, “I was thinking about you, Mum” and went on to ask a surprising question: “What was your PhD in anyway?”, before adding “Do you remember?!”. Obviously my own children remain largely incredulous that I could have done anything like this,...

This is never about fixing the child

BY SUSANNA PINKUS This is never about fixing the child.  Because they absolutely do not need fixing. Rather, this is about understanding the world through the young person’s eyes and adapting their environment, often both at home and school. This is about bringing exceptional strengths and passions into the light whilst gently and carefully scaffolding...

Examples of issues, questions and concerns that parents bring

BY SUSANNA PINKUS The types of issues, questions and concerns that parents bring are wide-ranging and include: ‘My daughter is academically very capable and attends a leading boarding school. She seems confident to her teachers but underneath, she is highly anxious. What can we do to help her?’. ‘My son is autistic and has ADHD....