Having this boy by my side at work as a therapy dog, and at play as my family’s four-legged best friend, brings so much fun, companionship, and unconditional love.
This past week with my son being sick, I have watched how Woody (known as ‘Doggo’ to my eldest) intuitively knows when and how to comfort, and also how incredibly gentle he is.
Having a dog in our lives is a huge commitment in terms of the day-to-day logistics, but it is also one of the best decisions I have ever made. But I spent years pondering whether it was the right thing to do.
I remember at the time, reading Gretchen Rubin’s deliberations before getting her dog, Barnaby, and her conclusion that ‘living the bigger life’ was often a helpful way to weigh up pros and cons.
And I often now use this phrase to inform tough life decisions.
The days are long but the years are short. Making the most of the precious time we have, and pushing beyond the zones of comfort feels more and more important.